Our Parental Charter
At Church Crookham Junior School we all want the best for every learner as ‘Achievement by All’ lies at the heart of all we do. Our school values are kindness, respect, imagination, resilience and reflection. The purpose of our charter is to capture how we all work together and communicate in the best interests of our children. The overarching expectation is that we have a mutual respect for each other and form a safe and productive environment to exchange information and provide a consistent message about the importance of learning and attending school.
This charter is based upon mutually agreeing the following themes:
Standards and Expectations
- Support your child to ensure they come to school every day and being punctual and avoid taking any holidays during term time. Evidence shows that children who achieve 95% attendance or higher make good progress. This will give your child the best opportunity to achieve
- Support your child’s participation in all aspects of school life and encourage them to join in a wide range of activities both during and after school
- Support and share the successes your child has outside of school so we can celebrate them together
- Support and encourage your child to follow our school values and expectations
- Support all school policies and procedures to ensure that the needs of all children can be best met
- Support the school’s behaviour policy and help children to understand the three school rules of being safe, being kind and showing respect. We expect parents and carers to respond to any incidents in a structured and rational way, working alongside staff within our school
- Parents and carers support the three school rules in modelling these in your behaviour in and around the children at all times
Communication between Home and School
- Keep school staff informed of any changes of address or contact numbers
- Inform school before 9am of your child’s absence and reason for absence
- Make sure the school is aware as early as possible of any circumstances that may affect your child’s learning opportunities and wellbeing
- Engage with all forms of school communication (e.g. newsletters/Google Classrooms, etc.) in order to best support and reinforce your child’s learning at home
- Ensure your child reads regularly at home and completes other homework, such as weekly spellings, maths and learning times tables
- Make attendance at Parents’ Evenings a priority to celebrate your child's success and to discuss their progress
- Attend a range of events in school to support your child
- Communicate any issues in an appropriate manner. We will always do the same. Any intimidatory behaviour, physical or verbal abuse towards our staff will not be tolerated
- Use appropriate channels to share concerns. In the event of a concern or grievance, respond proportionately and not through social media, including Whatsapp. We always seek to resolve issues together
Our school is committed to working in close partnership with children, parents, staff and governors to ensure that our children learn in a safe and secure environment, so ensuring ‘Achievement by All’.